The former factory building ‘La Lustrerie’ in Brussels now houses COHAUS, a coworking space that supports young startups in developing their sustainable ideas.
COHAUS is inspired by the Bauhaus philosophy of Le Corbusier and others. The Gesamtkunstwerk (or “total artwork”) revolves around the idea that art, design, and craftsmanship should come together to create a harmonious and functional environment. It was a response to the fragmentation of art forms in the 19th century. Under the leadership of Walter Gropius, Bauhaus aimed to integrate various disciplines, such as architecture, painting, graphic design, furniture design, and textile arts, with a focus on simplicity, functionality, and the use of modern materials. The goal was to make art accessible to the general public by connecting art and design with everyday life. The Gesamtkunstwerk was a holistic approach to creation, where all aspects of design were considered as one unified whole.
COHAUS is based on this idea and is a dynamic environment where innovation, creativity, and sustainability are central. The space not only offers places for quiet individual work, but also meeting rooms and even a presentation area. This versatility encourages collaboration between different disciplines and provides the flexibility needed to develop new ideas.